Tips On Gardening Safely

As much as I love to work out in my garden, it is important to take a few safety precautions to ensure that you don’t get hurt. Here are a few tips to help you keep safe:

Wear Sunscreen

It almost feels like a broken record when it comes to being told to wear sunscreen however it is easy to forget. I’ve often gotten distracted just before I head out to my garden and then forget to apply my sunscreen. I have come in many a time from out weeding our veggie garden, only to find that my skin is fried crispy. As skin cancer runs in my family, I do try to slather on at least a 20 SPF. It only takes a few minutes but it can help prevent pain and frustration later.

Protect Against Mosquitoes

With the increase of West Nile Virus popping up in the last few years due to mosquito bites, you can combat this by either wear light, long sleeved tops and long pants or you can apply a mosquito repellant with DEET. When out gardening or even when out laying on your hammock, just a light spray of repellant will keep these pesky bugs away for a few hours.

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