Our Lifetime Extra Large Deck Box Saga
We live in a beautiful part of the world here in Canada, and we thoroughly enjoy both our summers and our beautiful backyard. Note that I said summers, and never included winters! You see we live in a latitude that, though it brings amazing summers, they are painfully short, and we pay for those warm summer days, and long summer evenings with a very long, and very cold winter, along with the accompanying loooong winter nights.
Looking after our “things”
Enjoying our garden as we do, means we have, over the years, collected many “things” that needed some care to keep them away from the elements. Things like deck furniture, patio sets, lawn ornaments, bird baths and more all require the annual ritual of cleaning up each fall, and then finding a protected spot to pack them away for the coming winter. One of the items that was always particularly difficult to store each year were the cushions off of our outdoor patio furniture set. You see, we have a large family, and enjoy our evenings on the deck, along with great bar b queued steaks, healthy salads & vegetables from our garden, and when were all together we have about ten or twelve chairs that belong to the set, and each have two cushions,
That’s a lot of cushions to try and find a place for.
Though our summers are pretty dry, when it rains it really rains, and each fall I’d have to spend hours pressure washing a summers collection of mould & mildew created when the cushions were left out in the rain, again a task I dreaded each year.
They’re bulky beggars too, so it’s always been a struggle to find an out of the way place to store them. For years I’d stuff them into oversized plastic leaf bags, and then struggle to get them hoisted up into the rafters of our garage. Though not a very tidy place to store them, it did do the job, but I have to admit I looked forward to this task each year with a certain amount of dread.
Wifey to the rescue….
On my birthday a couple of years ago I was presented with a large cardboard box with a Lifetime 60012 Extra Large Deck Box. I’m not a very handy guy, so I admit I was thinking, what type of birthday present is this when I have to assemble the darn thing; she knows I hate doing things like that.
But I have to admit, it was surprisingly easy. Though the Lifetime Deck Box is built like the proverbial brick outhouse, it’s also cleverly designed and engineered with clutz’s like me in mind. The box took maybe thirty minutes to assemble, and is solid as a rock. It should be too, just look at the features.
The Lifetime 60012 Deck Box Features
- This model is made from a high density polyethylene plastic that gives it that “like an outhouse” quality.
- This puppy is HUGE, a full 130 gallons. That’s 16.4 gallons on space, enough for all my patio furniture cushions, and then some.
- It has a securely fastened, tight fitting and weather proof lid, that closes slowly and gently thanks to it’s spring loaded hinges.
- Totally enclosed and rodent proof, and it looks good with a two tone brown and tan coloring that blends in with any outdoor decor.
I asked my wife what caused her to pick this particular model of Deck Box, and she actually had a pretty neat way of determining whether it was everything it was advertised to be. You see she made this purchase from Amazon, but in doing her research she took note of the product reviews on the Amazon website, and out of 67 total reviews, 55 were 5/5 stars, with 11at 4/5 and just one at 3/5. Pretty impressive & sold her!
I’m impressed…
In short I’m impressed. The Lifetime 60012 Deck Box has seen two winters now, stuffed full of all our deck cushions and come through each winter with flying colors. Though she bought if primarily for winter storage, we’ve come to love it’s rain proof qualities, and find that we store the patio chair seat cushions in it all summer, and simply pull them out as we need them. No more pressure washing mouldy cushions for me!
Amazon is a great place to buy the Lifetime 60012 Extra Large Deck Box
, why don’t you check it out today and see for yourself?