Flexible Garden Trug Cleaning

I have to admit I am not the best at keeping our flexible garden tugs in a perfectly clean condition. I often don’t bother at all. But now and then I get inspired to give them a thorough clean, more so I don’t get told off by the Wife than for any other reason.

How To Clean A Plastic Garden Trug

plastic tubtrugWe use the cheap Tubtrugs, they are the absolute best brand. I use them for everything. Storing wood, carrying tools, and even mixing cement. You can see the residue on the photo.

Here is how to clean them easily.

Simply scrape off any dried residue first. I prefer to use a sharp side of a garden trowel or a builders trowel. Then I simply squeeze in some washing up liquid and add water.

I find it best to leave it to soak for 15 minutes or so first. It makes the whole job a lot easier.

Then just get a strong brush or a sponge with a tough surface on one side and give it the once over. You don’t really need to rub that hard as the plastic means that any dirt or residue comes off very easily. It normally take just a few minutes and then the Tubtrug is clean and back to looking like it did when I first bought it.

Very simple and well worth doing.

At least if you might get told off if you keep using your trug to mix plaster and concrete and then forgetting about it until your better half wants to do a bit of weeding!

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