Push Reel Lawn Mowers – The Greener Choice
Want to get your lawn looking neater without wasting gas or electricity? The answer if simple, grab yourself a push reel lawn mower! These are an efficient and economic way to mow the grass and most importantly they’ll give you an incredibly tidy “scissor-like” cut. I recently invested in one myself, and have to say…
Getting Fit in the Garden
As much as I love an excuse to use a labour-saving device such as my fabulous Husqvarna brush cutter, one of the very best things about gardening is that it is a simple way to improve your fitness, without even trying. You see, whilst I am not a fan of “exercise” I love being active…
Will a Push Reel Mower Work for You?
If you read the glowing reviews and manufacturer promises for many push reel mowers you might wonder why everyone isn’t using them. And, then of course you may very well come to believe that since they cannot be as easy to use as promised, they must be terribly difficult and impractical. The truth is somewhere…
Using Your New BrushCutter or Trimmer
After years of being head brushcutter operator I have learnt a few things about using trimmers and brush cutters al day long: Dress the part! You must have a good face guard and be fully covered up. However tempting it is to wear a t-shirt forget it or this will be the day that bits…
Husqvarna Brush Cutters and Trimmers
The best way to deal with any real volume of brush or weedy overgrowth in the yard has to be with a good quality brush cutter or trimmer. Personally after six years of using a gas powered Husqvarna brush cutter I know there is no other choice if you want reliability, value for money and…